Monday, July 26, 2010

The Versatile Blogger Award

I know it's been a while since I've posted. Apologies for that. The Girl Scouts were more resourceful than I thought.

In either case, I need to check my e-mail more often 'cause in searching through it, I learned that I was given an award and almost missed it. Yay me!

Bad news: It's not a Pulitzer.

Good news: It's BETTER!!!

A good friend of mine,
Trisha Wooldridge, who by the way is an author, felt that I deserved the honor of being awarded the Versatile Blogger Award.

I'd like to thank God, first of all. I'd also like to thank my parents, who--

What?!? I can't do an acceptance speech?!? It's not THAT kind of award?!?

Rules?!? There are rules?!? What rules?!?

Oh. According to the powers that be, I have to (1) thank the person that gave it to me, (2) share 7 things about me, and (3) pass the award to 7 other bloggers and (4) inform the bloggers that they are recipients of the award.

Well, nos. 3 and 4 are kinda hard at the moment, so I'll table that for now and focus on 1 and 2.

First of all, I'd like to thank Trish for my award. She's someone whom I respect and treasure a lot and it's good to know that she feels the same. So thanks, Trish. And while I'm at it, I will do a shameless plug for her blog, A Novel Friend. She inspired me to do this blog, so I might as well give her site some free advertising. It's not just fair; it's love.

Now, here's seven things about me that I can share without shame:

1. On August 12th, I will have been married for 15 years to a wonderful woman. No regrets.

2. I love video games, comic books, cartoons and anime. Always have, always will.

3. I believe that there is life out there in the universe. I also hope that they're intelligent enough to avoid us. We're not at that level yet. We can barely stand each other!

4. Chocolate chip cookies. Best. Invention. Ever!

5. I do not believe in religion. I believe in spirituality.

6. I have little patience for dumb people. I don't mean people who don't know things; I mean people who don't even try to educate themselves and persist on never progressing beyond their current state.

7. I am working on a novel. It's a science fiction/fantasy novel.

I have some more, but they did say seven. Thanks again, Trish!

1 comment:

  1. You're very welcome! & *blush!!

    Also, happy belated anniversary!!

